Monday, December 22, 2008

Santa Claus is coming to Town

Days past so fast till i'm currently left with 1 week of holiday ! Waaa ~ ): On a happier note , Christmas is just few days away ! (Excited) :D:D

Oh well well well ... Production Design is finally completed (?) . Or maybe just a teeny weeny bit of touch up . And i think i shall just let the few photos show what we have done .

Wednesday was first day of CSCC Chalet but before that , in the morning , was another Captain's ball match - VS School of Design . And and and the result was a DRAW ! Hmms , not too bad but almost won ! Argh ~

♡ Otaku going chalet ! XD

But before that , dinner first ! And dinner was at New York (X2) with Rachel , Seto , Kiantiong & Nathan .

Me and Rachel ordered the same dish ↵ ↵

↳ ↳ Seto & Kiantiong shared this SUPER BIG DISH .

& Nathan ordered ... err ... i forgot ! Pasta ? Baked rice ? But i remember there's a layer of smashed potato on top !

That night was spent listening to CSCC Stories → Gossips & alcholic drinks after watching a movie - Twilight .

OhMyLollipop ! i thought how nice the movie will be . i kept struggling to keep myself awake , thinking not to miss the exciting part . But all i know is by the time the movie reaches the climax (to me) is already near the ending . (Faint) i think there's more stories to go for this movie and , this is just the beginning (?) . Argh ~

i thought i would stay throughout the whole chalet but i didnt in the end after ton-ning the whole first night . Went home after dinner (Catered food) .

i'm now back to my no-life-lifestyle → watching videos whole day long . But the good thing is i can sleep how long i want . Good rest after nearly 2 weeks of insufficient rest . (:

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