Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Japan & Tokyo & Studio Ghibli & Disneyland

i'm all the while looking forward to the Japan study tour and the school has confirmed a place for me and Grace each . i was really sexcited when i received this news from Grace . I'M FINALLY GOING JAPAN ! *Cheering*

Filming has finally started and today i was assigned to act as a news reporter with Kellyn . it wasnt really a pleasant ending . Singing and talking through the microphone and the cheering from the supporters came all the way into our microphone when they are on the first level and we are in the third level studio . ROARRRR ~

Potatoes are heavy ! i'm not meaning those one digit number of potatoes . i'm refering to TWENTY of them . Yes , they are REALLY heavy ! So unexpected that such small harmless potato can end up to such heavy weight when comes to a big group of them or maybe only me feels this way .

With the Giant plastic , things went worse . Much more harder to carry . Now i have aches on my shoulders (plus yesterday , i carried the heavy tripod) . Gonna carry all the stuffs over to the Kampong at Buangkok . Dead meat !

And if you are thinking that i'm weak or what , I'M NOT OKAY ?! i have no problem carry heavy stuffs , just that maybe the weight is a bit too heavy for my shoulder . So , the weight all the way presses hard onto my shoulder causing some red marks (which turn out to be the aches) BUT I'M OKAY ! No worries , still surviving like a rabbit . HEHEHEHS .

More filming tomorrow at the Kampong . Hopefully everything goes well as scheduled . Please help us pray for good weather tomorrow ! (:

& i'm gonna carry my bag pack tomorrow instead of shoulder bag . (:
Alright , that's random .

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