Ohyea ! You can click on the images for a bigger view ! (^ ∀ ^)∨
❝ Even New Balance has cute shoes ! But then , Singapore seems to be never a spot for them to sell such cute shoes . ´Д`ゞ ❞
❝ Nordic is a new trend for this season ! The colorful nordic leggings looks cute ! ❞
❝ Red-checkered shirt is never out of trend . ❞
❝ Big coat looks cozy ! Why Singapore doesnt have winter ? >艸< ❞
❝ Ohyea ! Furry furry vest 〜〜 A must get for this season ! But Singapore has very limited choices ! (´꒢`) Anyhow , fur vest fits Singapore bloody hot weather ! Wheeee 〜 ❞
❝ If Singapore has winter or if i gonna go to a country with cold winter long/often , i sure get a ear muffs for myself provided i can find cute ones ! *cross out Singapore from list* ❞
❝ Casual + leopard prints leggings looks nice ! Won't give a typical Shibuya 109 look ! ❞
❝ Hoodie hoodie hoodie 〜〜 Nice and trendy for all 4 season ! ❞
❝ Room decoration 〜〜 My favorite section & references ! ∨(♥ ⍵ ♥)∨ ❞
❝ The red polka dots shelf curtain looks cute ! ❞
❝ Furry boots !!! A MUST FOR F/W COLLECTION ! & this season is 盛り(mo-ri) at legs ! Means mass in volume ! ❞
❝ For the 3rd pair of boots on the top row counting from left , Melissa2ks has similar pair ! ❞
❝ Not long ago , i've gotten a slightly similar triangular leggings from AmazeCloset . But currently they arent doing any preorders (on the date of my post) . So , you can try requesting to open preorders if you like . ❞
❝ i just ordered a pair of shoes from Melissa2ks slightly similar to the right corner bottom pair , just that (i supposed) make of suede material . ❞
❝ I JUST BOUGHT THIS PERFUME (Majolica Majorca MajoRomantica Perfume) FROM WATSON ! This is MJ's new release for their new chapter ! Quite a reasonable price — 23.90bucks ! And it comes with this FREE :
i know la ! This looks like some Chinese New Year goodie bag or Chinese fortune bag from ancient times like shown in films and dramas . But then , even with only the glass of perfume is also worth the price and worth to collect if you are a fan of MJ's collections ! & i dont know how to describe the smell . Hmm... got sweet scent but not totally !
i didnt get the red mascara though it is a limited edition mascara . cause I HAVENT TRIED THE PURPLE MASCARA of their previous limited edition ! ≧艸≦ Anyhow , red also seems a bit dramatic to me . ❞
❝ This is from a section of checking out gals' iPod and to my surprise , a number has more than a 1000 songs in their iPod !!! And this gal has the most number out of the spotted ones in magazine . Ridiculoussssss 〜〜〜 i think she just dumped songs in and never delete ! Cause i also like this if i have more than enough memory to spare . hehehehehe (●^艸^●) . ❞
❝ PMA FTW ! i love the funky clothes they have ! BUT , not at all available in Singapore ! Only at rare chances i spot inspired-pieces from online sprees/preorders . (-_-)zzzz ❞
❝ This brand looks cute too ! Polky polky polka dotty 〜〜 ❞
After "reading" this magazine , it just makes me wanna everything inside !!! That is why Zipper is one of my favorite magazines ! Popteen and Vivi arent my favourite , cause the gyaru style often doesnt suit me , nice but too girly ! (´ ꒢ `) Zipper is more funky , suits me more ! (^ ∀ ^)〳♡♡♡ & also EGG & JELLY magazine's styles too ! hehehehe . Anyone same thought ? ≧∀≦
★P.S. Can someone import Zipper/EGG/ JELLY inspired rather than the usual Popteen/Vivi inspired ? Or if there is already a (online) shop that sells such clothes , can someone inform me ? i'd love to patron it ! Thanks ! (⌒ ⍵ ⌒)♥
★P.P.S. Any link of online shops in this post are not for advertising purpose but recommended by me .
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